7 Tips for Recruiters to Prepare for a Successful Job Interview

Are you looking for a job change? Has anything changed in the hiring space with respect to the ongoing global scenario? What can we do better to create a more compelling case in our favor? Yes, there has been a change on the demand side, and hiring has got impacted in multiple sectors but is […]

Candidate Personas: All You Need to Know About Them

Candidate experience is a key recruitment factor for companies seeking to hire capable, well-qualified candidates. A 2021 survey revealed that 58% of job seekers did not accept the job offer due to poor job experience.  A 2024 Candidate Experience Report reveals that 52% of candidates had declined a job offer due to poor candidate experience […]

Why focus on improving Candidate Experience?

Today’s fast-moving and tight labor market demands enterprises to figure out that one factor which gives them the advantage in talent acquisition. With the talent war raging on, a simple and crucial step of choosing a comprehensive candidate experience strategy can be the game-changer. So, what is candidate experience? And why is it important to […]

13 Best Practices To Transform Candidate Experience

When you are working as an HR professional in a talent-driven market you need to be on your toes, to acquire the right talent.  In the United States alone, it has been found that there are two job openings for every unemployed person and that means that job seekers can make a choice when looking […]

Candidate Journey Map – Here’s how you can do it

The adage “Never judge a book by its cover,” is true when it comes to talent acquisition.  While judging a book by its cover may not be the best course of action, an attractive cover will generate excitement around it. Whether the book can translate that initial excitement into actual sales depends upon the quality […]

15 Questions to ask in a Candidate Experience Survey

With more companies and new entrepreneurs launching their startups, the job market is turning to be more candidate-driven. This means that candidates today have options to choose or even apply for a job of their choice from; when it comes to job hunting.  For many businesses and HR teams, finding the right talent, and assessing […]

Creating great candidate experience with culture and data

If one thing’s for certain in 2022, the way we recruit has changed or maybe has been ‘completely revolutionized’. Companies and recruiters are now committing to creating a candidate centric experience when hiring. Because the consequences of a negative interaction can be far reaching. A staggering 63% of job seekers are likely reject a job […]

Make your Candidate Experience Memorable and Captivating

  The Importance Candidate Experience, the new popular buzzword in Human Resources, is not just limited to the recruitment process but also extends to the perception of people working in the organization along with the Recruiter. Almost 73% of organizations agree that candidate experience is essential to their business, but less than half believe their […]

How to Conduct Interviews to Understand The Mind Set Of The Candidate

All you need is the right mindset to survive and thrive in the practical world today. Knowledge, skills- everything can be learned and acquired, but if you do not have the right mindset, even the everyday menial tasks will become challenging. This is why the main purpose of the interviews these days is to present […]

Candidate experience- the strongest force in recruitment

What is Candidate Experience? How candidates perceive and feel about the hiring process is called candidate experience. The candidate experience can be broadly classified into three components: the job application, the screening methods, and the interview process. With candidates also becoming more and more careful with their choice of employer, candidate experience can give you […]

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